Reconnecting Your Brand and Audience

Not long before the words “social distancing” became a part of our lexicon, Galapagos was invited to speak at the Michigan Bankers’ Association BEST Conference. At that conference, we spoke of the importance of making sure your organization’s culture and brand are in alignment.  While we still wholeheartedly believe that it's imperative that your culture and brand are in sync, we also know that the current situation may have paused any significant plans to update your brand.

While your rebranding plans may be on hold, now is not the time to go silent. As customers increasingly find themselves with very real financial issues as a result of this health crisis, the need for banks who understand these issues is growing. Seize the opportunity - let them know you're there, and that you have the tools to help them.

When other FIs scale back their marketing efforts, step up and fill the brand space left vacant by your competitors. Use this time to focus on a strong brand message that sets your organization, and the expertise you deliver, apart. While an “all things to all people” approach is a difficult position to defend, staying clearly focused on a strong value proposition to a targeted group of customers pays long-term dividends.

Not sure where to start? Give us a call. We can help with market opportunity analysis or your next brand campaign. 

Thank you for showing up for your communities

By now you’ve made it through one, almost two, rounds of the Paycheck Protection Program. For many of our clients, serving as a participating lender for the Small Business Administration’s program has been a trial by fire requiring numerous last-minute updates, application changes, technical hiccups, and funds being depleted far sooner than anticipated.

Galapagos has heard numerous stories of lenders and their colleagues working late nights and weekends to prepare applications for submission to the SBA – and why wouldn’t you? You’re community bankers. When times are tough, it’s you, not the big guys, who have stepped up to the plate to offer support, guidance, expertise, and a level of personalized service that sets you apart from the nationals.

You stepped up because you always have – so what will you do about it next?

If you haven’t already, consider an awareness campaign that reminds the community of your drive to serve, and highlights the results your efforts have generated for businesses. Your parents may have raised you to think it’s impolite to brag, but we’re here to tell you that when your team’s long days result in relief to hundreds or even thousands of local businesses, it’s more than okay to shine a spotlight on your organization and what sets your community bank apart.

Showcase your commitment to your communities and applaud the partnership you provide as a financial partner. If you need a partner to help draft a news release, or create your awareness campaign, give us a call.

Why Your Company Culture Should Match Your Brand

Culture is more than a buzzword. This intangible element may be difficult to describe, but it’s not difficult to pinpoint an organization’s culture once you’ve experienced it. There’s really no substitute for having a strong positive culture: time and again, studies have shown that when people share core values, and believe in a company’s purpose, vision, and mission, they become more engaged.

2020 Vision Before the Fact

At the beginning of each year, every trade organization, Association and Think Tank issues its predictions and forecasts for the coming year. The team here at Galapagos has reviewed the collective punditry to identify the likely key issues that will shape marketing opportunities and challenges in 2020.

Hit the Ground Running in 2020: Five questions to guide your planning efforts

The start of a new year often signals a fresh beginning for many – possibly even your organization and your focus for the next 366 days (hello leap year). When you get a strong start to the year, your team gathers momentum to sustain and support your efforts for the next twelve months.

Annual Planning: Why “Measure Twice, Cut Once” are Words to Live By

No matter the cause, the impact of poor planning can be far-reaching: Unrealistic goals can tax the system, demoralize the team, and leave the bank struggling to meet its targets. Taking the time to research or enlist data analysis is sometimes seen as too time-consuming. But the measure-twice, cut-once philosophy can prove to be far more valuable than taking the quickest path to a perceived solution.

Do Your Planning Efforts Lack Focus? Ask These Ten Questions to Stay on Track.

As you work to fend off challenges and secure a future for your institution, a proper planning effort can truly make the difference—giving your team a clear direction and your institution a much higher likelihood of success.

Here are 10 must-ask questions from the Galapagos team, to help you for your next strategic planning session.

The Supreme Court, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Your Website

The Supreme Court’s recent decision not to hear a case is a giant leap in the right direction for millions of people with disabilities who require accessibility in order to fully participate in today’s modern world and economy. Many businesses, however, may be wondering what that means for them.

Take Another Shot at Wells Fargo

It’s been almost three years since Wells Fargo paid a $185 million settlement to atone for deceptive and illegal sales practices. Despite a new board chairperson, directors, and CEO (each of whom has pledged to clean up the bank’s act), the firing of 5,300 employees, and an apologetic new brand campaign, the bank remains in turmoil.

Marketing Automation: Do Less with Greater Results

In many financial institutions, you’d be hard pressed to find a major initiative in which the marketing department doesn’t play a role. Now more than ever, you’re being asked to do so much more and often with fewer resources. If you’ve ever wondered how on earth you can balance these efforts and get it all done, you don’t need to clone yourself; you just need better tools.

With Savings Banks on the Decline, Is it Time for a Shift in Customer Strategy?

We've all heard it: The future of community and savings banks is at stake.

It's no secret that community banks are facing difficult times, and with the number of community FIs down 66% nationwide from just 23 years ago, something's got to give.  

One prominent Michigan-based community FI is partnering with Galapagos to meet the challenge head on with a new approach to customer strategy. Read on to understand the changes Eaton Federal Savings Bank is making to lead an industry in decline.

Post Financial Brand Forum: What you learned, what you can put into motion

Bankers around the country returned to their offices last week full of excitement about the things they learned at the 2019 Financial Brand Forum in Las Vegas. Unable to attend the Forum? We’ve reviewed some of the common themes of this year’s conference.

Social Media & Residential Lending: Risks and Opportunities

If mortgage is a primary business line for your financial institution, your promotional efforts are probably gaining steam as we head further into spring. Whether you deploy full-fledged campaigns during the peak mortgage season, or utilize steady efforts throughout the year, social media can be a powerful tactic in your promotional toolbox.

In Deposit Acquisition, There Are no 'Easy Buttons'

As human beings, we are conditioned to look for the simplest solutions. We want to push a button and solve a problem. However, in business – and in life – there are rarely silver bullet answers for our challenges. The reality is that there are very few substitutes for doing the hard work. However, the absence of an easy solution does not indicate the absence of opportunity. Read on to learn where the opportunities exist.

Think Outside the Offer: Why Moving the Needle is a Team Effort

To get results, you need more than just a great product. Time and again, we’ve seen that when financial institutions fail, it isn’t just about the offer. Your success in any given endeavor largely hinges on your team’s ability to sell it in a genuine way. We explore how people, process, and culture make a world of difference.

Struggling with Checking Deposit Growth? Data Shows That You Aren't Alone

Struggling with Checking Deposit Growth? Data Shows That You Aren't Alone

Yes, there is increased competition from national banks and digital-only competitors and yes, the market focus has shifted toward CDs and Money Market accounts. However, traditional checking acquisition programs have grown tired and no longer deliver the same results as in the past. 

Find out how your performance stacks up and what you can do to increase new checking account deposit growth.

You Don't Need to Be Popular to Be Effective

You Don't Need to Be Popular to Be Effective

Sure, it feels great to be liked and adored by thousands. But even if your Facebook page has a lot of likes and followers, your content probably isn’t being seen by all of those people, anyway. Instead of focusing on the number of likes your page doesn’t have, here are 9 tactics to improve the quality of your posts and increase the visibility of your content.

Targeting Millennials? Don't Throw The Baby Boomers Out With The Bathwater

Targeting Millennials? Don't Throw The Baby Boomers Out With The Bathwater

Understanding your audience is as important as it’s ever been. And misconceptions abound when it comes to Millennials and Generation Z. It’s vital that you not only understand who this market is, but that you’re taking their needs into account and not lending too much credence to those stereotypes.