
Annual Planning: Why “Measure Twice, Cut Once” are Words to Live By

No matter the cause, the impact of poor planning can be far-reaching: Unrealistic goals can tax the system, demoralize the team, and leave the bank struggling to meet its targets. Taking the time to research or enlist data analysis is sometimes seen as too time-consuming. But the measure-twice, cut-once philosophy can prove to be far more valuable than taking the quickest path to a perceived solution.

Do Your Planning Efforts Lack Focus? Ask These Ten Questions to Stay on Track.

As you work to fend off challenges and secure a future for your institution, a proper planning effort can truly make the difference—giving your team a clear direction and your institution a much higher likelihood of success.

Here are 10 must-ask questions from the Galapagos team, to help you for your next strategic planning session.

Marketing Automation: Do Less with Greater Results

In many financial institutions, you’d be hard pressed to find a major initiative in which the marketing department doesn’t play a role. Now more than ever, you’re being asked to do so much more and often with fewer resources. If you’ve ever wondered how on earth you can balance these efforts and get it all done, you don’t need to clone yourself; you just need better tools.

With Savings Banks on the Decline, Is it Time for a Shift in Customer Strategy?

We've all heard it: The future of community and savings banks is at stake.

It's no secret that community banks are facing difficult times, and with the number of community FIs down 66% nationwide from just 23 years ago, something's got to give.  

One prominent Michigan-based community FI is partnering with Galapagos to meet the challenge head on with a new approach to customer strategy. Read on to understand the changes Eaton Federal Savings Bank is making to lead an industry in decline.

Post Financial Brand Forum: What you learned, what you can put into motion

Bankers around the country returned to their offices last week full of excitement about the things they learned at the 2019 Financial Brand Forum in Las Vegas. Unable to attend the Forum? We’ve reviewed some of the common themes of this year’s conference.

In Deposit Acquisition, There Are no 'Easy Buttons'

As human beings, we are conditioned to look for the simplest solutions. We want to push a button and solve a problem. However, in business – and in life – there are rarely silver bullet answers for our challenges. The reality is that there are very few substitutes for doing the hard work. However, the absence of an easy solution does not indicate the absence of opportunity. Read on to learn where the opportunities exist.

Struggling with Checking Deposit Growth? Data Shows That You Aren't Alone

Struggling with Checking Deposit Growth? Data Shows That You Aren't Alone

Yes, there is increased competition from national banks and digital-only competitors and yes, the market focus has shifted toward CDs and Money Market accounts. However, traditional checking acquisition programs have grown tired and no longer deliver the same results as in the past. 

Find out how your performance stacks up and what you can do to increase new checking account deposit growth.

Targeting Millennials? Don't Throw The Baby Boomers Out With The Bathwater

Targeting Millennials? Don't Throw The Baby Boomers Out With The Bathwater

Understanding your audience is as important as it’s ever been. And misconceptions abound when it comes to Millennials and Generation Z. It’s vital that you not only understand who this market is, but that you’re taking their needs into account and not lending too much credence to those stereotypes.

7 out of 10 bank executives agree: Strategic planning fails to deliver

Perhaps that’s why 87% of organizations fail to execute on the plans they produce every year? It’s difficult to generate the necessary enthusiasm and tenacity required to execute on a plan that fails to inspire. So check out ten questions to ask to make sure your plan stays relevant.