Web Design Trends in 2021

The world of web design is constantly changing and during the pandemic, as more business has shifted online, design and user experience are more essential than ever. Your website needs to inform, engage and prompt action. With greater competition for consumers’ online attention, designers are exploring new ways to deliver. We’ve reviewed some of the latest trends in web design that you might wish to consider for your next site revamp.

Parallax scroll/animation

Although parallax scrolling is not new, it’s an essential building block for modern websites, and with good reason. Parallax design provides the ability to move various levels of the website at different speeds to create depth perception and engage the user. Implementing parallax keeps visitors scrolling and on your site longer. Your design should ideally combine parallax with elements that prompt action from your visitor. Here are some award-winning examples of parallax in action from Schweppes and Australia’s MyPayNow.

Muted Colors / Softer palettes

Zoom fatigue is real. Our eyes are tired from increased time spent staring at screens. As a result, we’re seeing a shift toward websites designed with a softer color palette of muted colors that have a calming effect on the viewer. Perhaps the greatest benefit of this color trend is that it makes content easier to read and encourages people to stay on the site longer.


Text as Art

Just as the pandemic is driving a lighter color palette, it’s also shifting the way we think about imagery. More and more designs are staying away from using images of people as they try to determine how best to approach the new norms in photo selection: should they show only people wearing masks? Social distanced? Unmasked if they appear to be part of a family? It’s a challenge. However, photographs aren’t required to add visual interest to your designs. Artistic typography that matches the mood of the site design can be every bit as impactful as photographs.


Images with Dimension

We’re seeing more sites incorporating depth – 3D elements, drop shadows behind the call-to-action buttons. Scrolling becomes a more tactile experience and is more visually engaging to the user than the flat designs we’re used to seeing.

When you’re considering a website redesign, the goal is not necessarily to pack in as many trends as possible but to thoroughly review the goal of your project, as well as your audience, and determine which design elements will best complement your brand while providing the best online user experience.


If you are considering a website redesign or refresh, contact us. We can provide a free assessment of your current site’s performance to help focus your planning. Contact us today to get started.