
2022 Strategic Priorities: Channel Delivery

In spite of digital channel usage rising 55% during the pandemic and 41% of customers now being digital-only, the fact remains that branches are still playing a key role for customers.

Forty-three percent of people still choose their bank or credit union based primarily on its convenient locations. The physical presence of branches contributes to a perception most people have that traditional financial institutions are safer and more secure than their online counterparts. And what about those times when a customer has an issue that can only be satisfactorily resolved with human intervention? In short, while digital channel use is on the rise and will only become more entrenched as the preferred channel for many banking services, customers still want peace of mind and people found at their local branches.

2020 Vision Before the Fact

At the beginning of each year, every trade organization, Association and Think Tank issues its predictions and forecasts for the coming year. The team here at Galapagos has reviewed the collective punditry to identify the likely key issues that will shape marketing opportunities and challenges in 2020.

Hit the Ground Running in 2020: Five questions to guide your planning efforts

The start of a new year often signals a fresh beginning for many – possibly even your organization and your focus for the next 366 days (hello leap year). When you get a strong start to the year, your team gathers momentum to sustain and support your efforts for the next twelve months.

Marketing Automation: Do Less with Greater Results

In many financial institutions, you’d be hard pressed to find a major initiative in which the marketing department doesn’t play a role. Now more than ever, you’re being asked to do so much more and often with fewer resources. If you’ve ever wondered how on earth you can balance these efforts and get it all done, you don’t need to clone yourself; you just need better tools.

Post Financial Brand Forum: What you learned, what you can put into motion

Bankers around the country returned to their offices last week full of excitement about the things they learned at the 2019 Financial Brand Forum in Las Vegas. Unable to attend the Forum? We’ve reviewed some of the common themes of this year’s conference.

Think Outside the Offer: Why Moving the Needle is a Team Effort

To get results, you need more than just a great product. Time and again, we’ve seen that when financial institutions fail, it isn’t just about the offer. Your success in any given endeavor largely hinges on your team’s ability to sell it in a genuine way. We explore how people, process, and culture make a world of difference.